Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen

Sadly this will not have a gleaming positive section as I got sick of the game so fast I quite playing after about 20 minutes.  Now Lords of the Fallen was a free game on Xbox gold a while back and this will probably tell you why.

The Bad:

1) I chose magic user, where's my magic?  Seriously I start out in the game with no intro, no how to tutorial, and no real purpose for doing anything.  Why am I at a monastery, who the hell are we talking about, and that guy has magic why not me?

2) Whats with the slow attack speed and why can't you change your mind once you start.  It takes roughly 5 seconds for your full power swing to go from front to back.  Your enemy however is quicker.  So you start your attack, but at half swing they see you and hit you and you miss your target.  It wouldn't be so bad if you could, at half swing, hit block and actually block, but no that's too convenient.  I died like 6 times on the first big bad guy!

3) Seriously where and how do I use magic.  I chose magic user and I was on my 3 death when I found that I had magic potions that restore my health.  Would sure like to know how to use those.

4) What's with adding stamina to the player.  When you are in a battle you can only swing your hammer twice before your stamina is out and you have to run in circles until your stamina regains and you can attack again!

5) It was so boring.  It progressed so slow, with no tutorial, and so few enemies to attack I lost interest within the first 10 minutes.

The Good:

It was pretty.  That's about it for now.  I know there were people that enjoyed this game, but the speed and the lack of tutorial killed it for me right out of the gate.  I don't have a lot of time to play video games and when I do get the time I want to be able to understand the controls and have badies to kill and I don't want to hit an attack button and wait for 5 seconds for it to hit its mark.  

Hopefully next blog will be better as Titanfall 2 will be releasing some new content at the end of the week.  If you are looking for an update on Battle Born, check for the mini blog coming up in just a few minutes.


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