Titanfall 2 Tech Test Part 2

Titanfall Tech Test Part 2

So back to the tech test.  Previous bad consisted of issues with Titans actually falling, slow moving titans, red around pilots making it easy to pick them out from across the map, glitches and server issues, issues with match making, rodeo not being as fun or effective.  Fortunately they have done a lot of updating and the pilots felt faster, lighter, and the momentum remained consistent instead of slowly disappearing.  The titans now have a timer and you are able to get titans 2-3 times as often depending on your shooting ability.  The more you level the titans up the more of a threat they become with core charges, larger spread of weapons, extra boosts, and running.  The red around the pilots seems to have been significantly been reduced.  It's still there but it's more difficult to spot a pilot from across the map.  The rodeo has also grown on me.  I was actually able to rodeo and down a titan with a series of rodeos, an early rodeo releases, a well placed smoke grenade, another rodeo with a grenade down the hole, and a Titan drop right on top of his head.  Then when embarking a punched before the hatched closed killed the pilot seeking revenge.  So as far as I'm concerned the previous bad has pretty much been taken care of.  There were still a few issues with glitches and lag but they were so few that I hardly noticed them.    So now I would like to add a few new goods to the list.

1) Faster and stronger titans!  Extra boost upgrades among other upgrades.

2) Hover action for in flight shooting!  I love this feature!  It helped get me out of some sticky situations and it really helps when you eject with a pilot on your back.  As they fall you can freeze in place and track them to the ground.  You can also pop up out of cover or jump off a roof turn and freeze to shoot through windows.

3) The Alternator, EPG, and Mastiff.  I enjoyed playing with all three of these weapons but the alternator was really my favorite.  It does however loose accuracy over a distance but does a great job at midrange or short distances.

4) The double shot.  Seriously I didn't think I would enjoy playing with this weapon, as I've never been very good at sniping.  However, during one match we had 2 players that would keeping grappling to the top of the point B tower, on homestead, and camp out up there.  So the next time I died I switched loud outs and went with the double shot and took both players out twice before they decided to change their load out.  This lead to the weapon updating.  When you have leveled it up it has a nice little feature that I didn't know before, and that is the ability to ricochet bullets off of walls.  After a couple of games where I was able to actually get some kills, the ricochet feature made the weapon just that much more versatile.

5)  The new map!  Forwardbase Kodai was extremely fun.  Specially with people new to the maps.  They always seem to want run down the middle of the main building. This is just shooting fish in a barrel.  You can also get the high ground with both the pilots and the titans.  Point B on this map is also interesting as there are only 2 ways in as it is a hallway.  Guarding this spot and overtaking this spot can get tricky, and is usually left to only one or two people as the rest are attempting to over take Points A and C (in hard point anyway).  Gravity grenades or arc grenades work great to slow opponents and retake the spot.

I would also like to add that if we get access to any of these weapons and we get the same kind of speed in the single player game and have an interesting and unique story line this game is definitely going to be competitor with COD, Halo, and Battlefield.  I am still not much of a multiplayer sort of gamer so a good campaign here will keep me coming back for more in the future.


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