A Return to Destiny 2

I don't know. Sometimes I feel like all the returning to reviews get too be to much.  However, there is sooooo much controversy surrounding Destiny 2, I feel like I have to.  In case you've been out of the discussion, Destiny 2 has now released 2 DLCs and announced a 3rd.  The problem is, if you have already purchased the game at full price, plus both DLCs, you will have paid a minimum of $100.  With the latest announcement it sounds as if Bungie plans to charge an additional $140-$180 for all of the remaining content.  So here are my thoughts.

The Bad:

1) This is expensive.  Paying a total of $280 for a game is ridiculous.  You haven't been listening to your biggest supporters and you are nickel and dime-ing your customers for every possible cent you can get.  How does this differ from other businesses? Usually other businesses would like to stay in business and you know keep their customers happy.  However, Bungies seems to think they should piss everyone off and then force them to buy half assed DLCs and recycled content (according to some vlogers). Recycled content (Titanfall 2) isn't a new idea, however charging people for it seems to be.

2) Game play and speed really hasn't changed that much.  I still don't like playing the crucible and I still don't like Iron Banner and I'm still not positive on what everything is in each of those game play modes.  I still can't play the Leviathan raid.  I just found this morning that there were certain items that you could gather to access Nodes.  There are significant gaps in the game play that isolate players and it is frustrating.

3) Purchasing items (fake currency) doesn't make a lick of sense.  I spent about an hour last night just trying to figure out what it meant by claim 10 engrams, x-number of tokens, and x-number of master craft items.  I thought I've definitely claimed more than 10 engrams I have all the tokens why can't I purchase this stupid helmet.  Oh I have to hold on to the engrams and not turn them in (or claim them some would say).  

4) I recently played through the entire campaign for a second time, this time with the warlock class, again enjoying the campaign, however I finished with the campaign hadn't completed the Mars or Mercury DLCs and noticed my Warlock was a level 350 vs my Hunter who I have played through all DLCs with and who was only at a 340.  Strange.  Then I remembered another issue Bungie is hoping everyone forgets about, which was nerfing your XP gains.  It was an issue that arouse after I had completed my campaign with the hunter. So, what I'm pointing to, is another situation where Bungie is intentionally hindering their players to keep them grinding and farming and promising them one thing and giving them another.

5) The hype band wagon.  With the announcement of the latest DLC, Bungie has been pushing their new platform hard.  The problem? It doesn't come out till September. I would be more inclined to purchase it if it was maybe August and I'm seeing that in a week this shiny new DLC is coming out with the hint of some story line and new multiplayer mode, but in June?  Really I was excited to see the new release but I'm quickly losing interest since your YouTubers are mainlying pushing the multiplayer mode. I'm over the trailer already and it's not good marketing.

The Good:

1) I will say I'm not a Bungie hater.  I like their original halo games, I like Destiny 2 and I think they bring a lot of new ideas to the table.  I just hope they get their heads out of the money pit and in to making happy customers.  If there is a Destiny 3 I probably won't buy it if I have to pay $280 for all of the content I should get with one singular purchase.

2) The new DLC looks promising, again wish I didn't have to pay for it.  I like the new multiplayer mode. I like the looks of the new story mode, bows, and specials.  But will it be worth the money.  You may get the paycheck today but what happens to Destiny 3? You gonna hand that over to 343 or possibly 2K after you ruin it and hope they can revive it?

3)  They started to listen (?) to their players.  We'll see.  At least items are purchasable now that previously weren't.

4)  The Mercury DLC was pretty bad.  Super small map, short story mode, and relatively easy play.  Heroic trials meh, however the Mars DLC was much better.  Horde modes, larger map, longer and more interesting story, a new super of sorts, and a little more difficult game play.  You have to have some strategy now for public events and even some of the story mode.

5) I'm continuing to play new characters.  I have beaten the campaign now with Warlock and Hunter, and I've started a new round with a Titan and I'm so far enjoying the differences.  I'm looking foward to the new game mode and story lines that are coming up and I'm hoping to jump into the crucible more this weekend as well as strikes (gotta farm those engrams).


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