Destiny 2 Final Review

At this point Destiny 2 has had a multitude of reviews by online vloggers, bloggers, and video game raters, but I always feel that those are somewhat skewed.  Mainly because they are not new to the game, and two they are usually compensated in some form for their reviews.  I unfortunately do not have any sort of compensation for these reviews, I don't even know how to monetize a blog now that I think about it.

Anyway, a quick update from my last post.  My character is currently at Level 20 power level 269.  This means I'm done with the campaign now and have been playing the online multiplayer and single challenges components of the game.  So I have created a new set of good and bad.

The Bad:
1) I still don't know how to play the game in different areas.  Strikes I get, click on the thing and you're good.  Nightfall's I don't understand.  Leviathan I need a group of people to play and I don't have any friends that I play online games with. Haven't figured out clans, but I have joined a faction, but even the faction is confusing.  Apparently they are only open for like a day?

2) Public events are short and consist of you standing in a ring getting bombarded by enemies.  I would like to see them spread out a bit and maybe develop the story some.

3) First DLC was released, which looks cool, but cost $34.00.  I'm not digging that thought at the moment.  Maybe the price will go down over time like the taken king did...

4) Leveling up at this point is really slow.  If I could apply all of my exotics I could probably come up with a pretty high level but when the Crucible is slow and strikes take forever and don't give much for rewards, it seems like much of what you want to do is farm for very long periods of time.

5) Even with exotic or legendary gear my abilities still load at a painfully slow rate.  Throw a grenade wait 3-4 minutes for it to load.  Use a special, wait 100 enemies before you can use it again.  Every thing just seems very slow to progress and unrewarding.

The Good:
1) I like the strikes! They are fun and I like how they team you up with others to play the level.  Now if they would only do that for the Leviathan level so I can actually play it...

2) Having little exploratory missions like treasure hunts that you can do on your own is nice, and even the challenges that come as part of an extended story line are interesting and a lot of fun.

3) Player customization is still really fun, and they are mostly what I spend my fake destiny money on. I like the various color combos and the effects they add to weapons. I usually have a theme for my characters which I keep for a couple of hours of playing and when I get board I switch them out.

4) Still beautiful.  I do spend time on occasion on earth with the other guardians and set my character on an edge somewhere and take a screen shot for my Xbox background.

5) I really like this game style.  It really took me a while to put my finger on that idea.  I enjoy having these open maps, and still having a campaign. I also liked having the side quests and the customization and the leveling up.  I also realized it's very similar to how borderlands works and of my top 5 games Borderlands and Destiny 2 have a firm hold.  I wish that Titanfall could have a similar setup to this and still maintain their stories and multiplayer options.


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