TTK Game Mode

Higher TTK Mode and Everything Else That's Wrong

So with the new High TTK mode opening last night I was surprised to see so many people worshiping the return of a longer time to kill.  I originally felt like "yeah this could be good" and really didn't care much either way.  Then today I played it for the first time, and I hated it.  I hated it because one everyone lost their minds and went right back to the weapons that everyone hates (SMGs and assault rifles).  The weapons I feel that actually did their job with the ttk in these two areas are the CAR SMG, the R97,  and that's it.  Now I will recommend TF2 to anyone, but when do you say enough is enough?  That brings me to the "everything else that's wrong section".

Titanfall/Respawn seems to be plagued with letting their fans tell them what to do, or having to get permission to do what they think needs done, and now they have worked themselves in to a corner.  Since it's release date guns have been nerfed/buffed, maps have been reworked, they brought back old maps (planned or forced?), nerfed/buffed titans, accelerated running speed, and changed their main screen (why? because people complained that THEY would accidentally hit the campaign start instead of the multiplayer and they had to wait too long to get back to multiplayer).  So what is wrong with everything?  Why add ttk when you just spent the last 8 months trying to balance the weapons?  Especially when the ttk only effects certain weapons.  Didn't you just nerf those weapons then?

What I think is really wrong with the game is this:

1) They are trying to please two groups of people that they just cannot please at the same time in the same game mode.  On one side you have Frothy, Iniquity, JerDude, Tony Mo, Gamesager etc raving out the ttk mode is awesome.  On the other you have newbs to the game that are complaining that the skill gap is to extreme and they don't get the enjoyment out of the game because they get stomped almost every game.  Then there are people like me who are in the middle, we get stomped, we do the stomping, and mostly play the grenadier class.  We don't care it doesn't effect us.  If you want a newbs class, create a newbs mode.  If you want an advanced game, have an advanced mode.  Don't try to lump them together.  If you really want to have the best turn out, display their K/D and group them by that.  That would lead to another problem however.

2) Player numbers are down.  I got on at 5:00pm prime time for my area.  352 players where on.  This bleeds into number one since they are trying to please these people so that they keep them playing.

3) Melee is trash, you hit from across the room but right next to the person? No way.  ADS is trash on certain weapons and god level on others.

4)  We've focused so much on the multiplayer and not at all on the campaign.  Which, come on, the campaign was one of the best parts of Titanfall 2!  I know frontier is coming so hurry up already, or maybe at a coop campaign mode.  Even side stories?  Maybe Jack needs to steel a new titan for himself now that BT is destroyed.  Maybe there should be a Titan's vs Pilots mode similar to frontier except the pilots are attacking AI titans and they have to use tactical abilities and data knives to accomplish their mission?  Something!!!!

5) Ranking needs to happen.  I previously said I shouldn't complain about this any more since I finally made it to GEN 10, but seriously.  Get rid of the generation system and just add ranks.  If you are going to please everyone at least keep everyone in a competitive level.  Rank gold should not be playing ranked bronze etc.  Someone with a 10-1 k/d should not be playing me with a  1/1 KD.

I suppose that is it for now. I'm a bit disappointed in the state of the game at the moment but really at this point we shouldn't be looking at nerf/buff/ttk and we should be looking at content and incentives to continue playing.  Maybe work on more frequent advocate gifts or make everything purchasable.  It's time to stop listening to the negatives and start adding positives.


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