A Glitch in the Frontier

A Glitch in the Frontier

I was able to play Glitch 24/7 last night for about 5 hours and it was amazing.  I'm still having a hard time compiling my thoughts about the positives and the negatives for the map so hopefully this will help.

The Bad:

1) There were glitches.  Nothing serious but a few frozen pilots, a CTF game where I wasn't able to respawn for the last minute of the match, and a lot of repeated game modes.  I'm not a huge fan of CTF but of the 5 hours I played I played 1 Attrition match, 2 LTS, 1 PvP, 2 HP, and the rest were capture the flag.

2) Not necessarily the best map for titans.  Easy vantage points everywhere for pilots to do real damage to titans.  Tight areas so only one titan at a time can fit through, and probably not the best map for Northstar.

3) Low hard points.  Hardpoints A and C are in the same type of location.  Giant windows on the sides with an elevated platform on both sides. One side is good for cover the other is good for defense.  They are wide open for titans and have 4 points of entry.  Point B is located in the middle of a bridge in a wide open area of the map.  Naturally this is where all the action tends to take place.

4) I fall down holes a lot... That's sort of my own problem though ;)

5) The devotion is still way to OP, and is probably one of the best weapons to use on this map.

The Good:

I'm so excited for the good because there is just so much of it!

1) This map almost completely eliminates the slide hopping advantage that more experienced players have.  I was playing against Gen 6-X and up, and was able to hold my own!  I could play the ground is lava in this map and do alright, which was something I just couldn't do on other maps.  I had some of the highest kill counts of any map I've played to date, and it's all because I was able to chain together wall runs and slides to be effective.

2) The R-97.  I was terrible with this weapon until run and gun and this map.  I've tried on many other maps and just couldn't get the aim down, but here with the chaos and a little help from stim I could get from one end of the map to the other extremely quickly and get close enough to pilots that I was able to do some real damage.

3) Definitely a pilots map.  It is really hard for Titan's to completely take over this map.  The vertical aspect of the map is such that you can get high and lock on from a safe distance, pop off a shot, use the walls and curves to get away before they see and find a new location to bring the heat.  Amped weapons or walls are almost a must here as well.  An Amp rocket will really do some quick damage to a titan and if you have one close to doomed an amped R-97 will shred the remaining life pretty quickly.

4) CTF and AHP were crazy fun on this map.  Normally I'm not a huge fan of these game modes but here the game mode I was in didn't matter at all.  In AHP point B is a great place for hit and run antics and strategy plays a huge role in holding point B.  CTF?  Sooo many routes you can take.  I can think of 5 off the top of my head that I used last night.  I should also point out that I, the normally not a good runner, was able to cap at least 2 flags per game and return many more.  Stim and me were besties last night and it was epic.  I actually saved a screen shot of one of the matches but unfortunately I forgot to save it to my Onedrive so I'll have to grab it later.

5) Chaos.  This map promotes chaos and it is glorious.  Pilots flying all over the place (more so than normal), mid air melee kills (sooo many!), a maze of rooms, awesome routes, and a plethera of awesome kills. I can't say enough.  You just have to play it and see.

In all seriousness I hope Respawn releases more maps like this.  It really does level the playing field for those who aren't quite able to bunny hop yet and the higher level players.  I was watching Gamesager and Frothy play a few matches and I think they'll both agree that they both died more in this map but they loved every second of it.


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