Deadpool @#$%

Deadpool @#$%

So to break away from the first person shooter games for a bit I decided to dive back into playing Deadpool.  I personally love this game. Mostly because of its wildly inappropriate content, but also for how light tempered the whole thing is.  I would really encourage anyone just looking for a humorous violent game to take a gander at this game.  You won't be disappointed.

1) Its hard to find the bad in a game like this.  I suppose I should start with the lacking graphics.  Beautiful game play is a big deal for me.  It's important in helping you dive into the game but here the most beautiful part of the game is Deadpool's apartment and that's only cool if you are a die hard DP fan.

2) Controls are a bit wonky.  Seriously it had a harder time maneuvering the map and not falling off of things then really playing the game.  Jumping never went well and things like pipes and windows became irritations.

3) The voice acting for Deadpool himself was decent but for other characters not so much.  Not just the acting but the overall lack of dialogue with the other characters seemed to be lacking as well.

4)  A health bar.  You're Deadpool, I mean you start out OP'd as it is but still.  The whole fun of Deadpool is that he can't die!

5) If I were to get picky I would say the abundance of half naked, unrealistically endowed women to appear in the game maybe a bad thing.  For most people though it won't be, mainly because realistic body types don't really exist in video games.

Good: (Yippee!!!)

1) It is sooooooo fun to play. So many different ways to kill enemies both guns and melee.  You'll play through the game multiple times just to keep upgrading your weapons and seeing what crazy things you can do with them.

2)  Easter Eggs!  All the hidden things for die hard Deadpoolers where a definite plus.  Even the cartoonish cutscenes where fun, as they spoke to the Deadpool comic book lovers know and love.

3) Breaking the 4th wall.  You can't have DP without breaking the 4th wall and it is everywhere, and the creators of the game use it creatively.  Be it talking to the camera or setting up an inflatable jumping pit.

4) Bring in other characters.  Though the other characters time in the game were limited the amount of them were well balanced.  Bringing in the X-Men (and slapping the crap out of Wolverine) and have Sentinels and reference to other comic lore was also awesome.

5) The Deadpool injuries.  Head's on backwards, dismembered, impaled, electrocuted, and body switching.  All your favorite Deadpool ingredients in one place.

I really enjoyed this game, and anyone that doesn't take life to seriously will do.  I already bought the game so I can say that is how much I like it.  Definitely worth the $20.


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