Don't Overlook Overwatch!

Don't Overlook Overwatch!

I'm not going to lie.  I put off playing the Beta of Overwatch, which opened May 5th -9th, because I thought it looked to similar to Battleborn.  I was not impressed by Battleborn, but now I am kicking myself for waiting till the last day to start playing Overwatch.  I even considered changing how I do the good and bad for this but decided to stick with the format.  I will, however, give Overwatch a solid 9/10.

The Bad:

1) So this was the issue, I started playing and I loved it, and it is hard to find the bad, so I'm going to be a little... Nit picky.  There are no grenades or pickups except for health and armor!  I wanted grenades so badly in so many cases!  Not having them made the characters feel limited and was frustrating!

2) Bastion seemed to be a bit OP compared to other characters.  There were so many times the play of the game went to a player using Bastion and it wasn't really that impressive.  The guy sits in tank mode with the chain gun out and mows everyone down in a chock point.  Nothing impressive there, compared to the person who makes a life saving heal or picks off a sniper who's pinning your team down.

3) Buttons and Special moves seem a bit wonky.  This isn't a huge complaint, but my initial reaction isn't to hit left the left bumper to heal someone, and there is no changing weapons.  Just seems to leave a number of unused buttons.

4) Many players seemed to be under powered.  Most of them naturally were the defensive type, mostly like Winston, Symmetra, and Torbjorn.  This could stem from me not fully understanding how their powers worked.  Sentries were fun, but Torbjorn's limited distance with his gun and Symmetra being a bit slow sorta killed the characters for me.

5) Character customization took me too long to figure out.  I didn't know it was there until I was about to head to bed, and I didn't get to play with any of my new stuff because the beta was ending before I could get back on.  Also when I died it started me back at our base even though the fighting was happening on the other end of the map.  It would sometimes take me 30 seconds to traverse the map after watching the kill cam.  So you could potentially be out of the game for close to a minute before getting back into the action.

The Good:

1)  I was sooooo surprised by this game.  At first it really didn't seem to be much different from other games, but I was pleasantly surprised. First the training! Immensely helpful. Thank you!  All three stages.

2) The game play was smooth and beautiful.  It seems repetitive when I say games are beautiful, but really come on, there are just some games that don't make the cut.  Overwatch however is not one of them.  Smooth movements, no glitches that I found, weapon effects were awesome, and even the special characteristics to each player were unique and beautifully done.

3) Tactics!  I love games that promote strategy and team work.  This would be a tough game to lone wolf on if you were against a group who knew how to work as a team.  I also liked how you could change characters, same as changing loadouts, but it changes the whole battle this way.  You can have a well balanced team and a good strategy but the enemy can change one character and throw your plan out the window!  **Story incoming**  For example, We were playing the overwatch temple and the team we were against had a strategy of keeping a sniper up high near a choke point, a reaper on a ledge outside our spawning point, a Hanzo on the ground acting as backup sniping, and the remaining players as muscle within their strong hold.  I started out as Soldier 76.  I realized they were stationing the reaper above our spawning point pretty quickly so I held back and waited and killed him after one of my teammates ran out.  I then went to the choke point, which was the only way into the enemies zone.  Which I was then quickly mowed down by a sniper.  The sniper was a big problem because they would use a Bastion in tank mode to hold the front while the sniper picked people off, so I switched to Widowmaker, zoomed in, popped out and shot their sniper, popped back in to charged the rifle, popped out again behind Reinhardt's shield and took out Hanzo, and the rest of the team was able to get in and take out Bastion, Reaper, and Soldier 76.  That's what really made the game stick out to me.  This was a team that seemed to have played together or at least have a working knowledge of tactics but because the characters change so do your tactics.

4) The speed.  I have mentioned in the past the speed of play is important to me, and I usually compare everything to Titan Fall.  This game you can't really do that.  The speed changes based on the team you play.  If they have strategy you have to slow down, if they don't you can speed up a bit.  Some matches can last up to 15 minutes or more, while others can end in 1-5 minutes depending on how fast you capture the enemies strong hold.  I feel like the strategy required makes this game feel faster than it is, but that's part of what I like about it.

5) There is a little something for everyone.  Are you a run and gun person, or are you a defensive person?  Do you help push the team forward with brute strength and your ability to absorb lots of damage, or are you a strategist or a sniper?  Either way there will be a character for you!  Play them all, try them all out, it is definitely worth your time!


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