

So first I will say this.  I think the campaign will be epic and I look forward to it immensely!  Now just going from the beta I'm currently going to have to rank DOOM at a rough 8/10.  Here's why.

The Bad:

1) If I shoot you point blank with bazooka you better die.  As well as the person next to you, if not the 4 other guys in your group that are sweeping the board. There is no reason for you to be alive after I unload 5 rounds at you, hit you directly once, and in front of you and around you multiple times.  And what the hell is with only getting one grenade!

2) How many shots does it take for you to die! Seriously I had probably a good 10 body shots with the assault rifle and the fool still ended me.  You should not be able to run from one end of the map to the other, getting shot the entire time, and still be able to get a head-shot with one round from the shot gun and survive.  I'm not even talking about demon possessed form.  Speaking of the maps where really small.  Definitely no camping happening but no avoiding a pack of 6 players converging on you either.

3) It's the same multiplayer experience you've experienced in every halo game to date.  I quit playing after 5-10 matches because there just wasn't anything overly enjoyable or new about it.  The best part is the demon spawning aspect.

4) I wanted to play and spawn as a demon dammit!  Seriously though, I hope that's in the full release because for me it would salvage the multiplayer aspect.  How awesome would it be to have demons vs heroes.

5) You get jet packs.  Sounds ok right? Not so much basically a jet pack does what regular jumping should do, you just have to press and hold your jump button.  

The Good!

1) Awesome graphics! Awesome worlds and Transforming!  Beautiful game and until I got used to the maps I was on the edge of my seat scared for my life!

2) Customization!  The ability to add colors, textures, scratches, light, glossy, or matte finish, and dirt to your armor and weapons was a fun feature to mess with.  Not only that but you can upgrade your armor the more you play with different styles and colors.  

3) Demon possessed form!  Yeah its awesome! You can fly around with a jet pack shoot missiles that are a one hit one kill weapon, only bad thing is it last for 30 seconds.  I personally wish it would last until they killed you because it adds just so much more to the gaming experience to be in the demon form.  While in the form your perspective changes and you make creepy noises and its awesome.  Sadly you only get to be a demon if you are close to the spawning point of the rune or whatever the hell its called.

4) Executions!  SWEET!  Ever ripped out a demons tongue?  How about popped another players head?  Now you can!  Seriously though these are pretty sweet and really fun to perform.  I'm looking forward to all the awesome executions that will come out with the full version of the game.

5) Strategy.  You really have to be a part of a team when you play.  Even if you are tagging along with another player, its the only way you can get a kill it seems like.  I saw a few people that could run around and head shot others with shotguns while jumping but that is usually few and far between.  Here your best bet is to team up.  When we had 4 man teams running around they could dominate the map, 6 and it wasn't even fun.  Refer to my Bad #1 & #2.  Seriously, if I could through a grenade or two in a room your 6 man party would be a blood bath of multi kill points for me.  Sadly one grenade has to be dead on in order for it to kill someone by itself.  Forget about the rocket launcher helping you out as well.  It may deal some spread damage but not kill anyone.  Same with the lightening rifle.

I'm being a bit tough on this game.  It is one of my childhood favorites and it used to invoke a fair amount of fear during my gaming.  This had a lot to live up to, and I feel the campaign will, and I'm definitely interested in the other possible multiplayer aspects.  I would also like to see some form of demon powers to be added so to speak.  Just something extra outside of the weapons, something that can go on the buttons that you don't use on your controller while playing.  I will probably buy this game, maybe not right away, but most likely before it drops in price.

Did you play the Beta?  What did you think?


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