Xbox Game Pass and DMC

In an attempt to stretch my game playing a bit I decided to take a step back or over however you want to see it, to the third person hack and shoot Devil May Cry, which is now offered on Xbox Game Pass.

First I'll start with the 2 week free trial of Xbox Game Pass and what I think, then move on to Devil May Cry.  I signed up for the 2 week membership mainly to see what games were available and if it would be worth the money.  Looking at it right now, I don't really think it would be worth the money.  Half the games (only 100ish currently offered) I already own, the other half I'm not really interested in.  DMC was one that I had always wanted to play but hadn't played any games in the series to that point and didn't want to jump in on what, game 4?  However with Game Pass I felt fine testing it out.  Other games that would interest me if I didn't already have them would be Bio-Shock 1-3, Gears 1-Judgement, Halo 5, and Borderlands 1.  The conflict for me is the only other games I'd want to possibly play that they offer would be Sunset Overdrive and possibly a lego game.  Otherwise after DMC I'm pretty much done with it.  If they can update and add more games in a timely manner they may keep me as a monthly subscriber.

Now for DMC.
The Bad:

1) The combos are a bit tough to pull off and you have to have some precise timing to make them work.

2) The controls are a bit out of the ordinary, but this is easily remedied as you can customize your button layout.

3) There is a lot to remember! LT+X,Y, or B = Angel weapon, RT+X,Y, or B= Demon weapon, Y or B = Primary weapon and X shoots guns.  Then right on the d-pad switches out your demon weapon to a different demon weapon.

4) I'm playing on the easiest mode and trying to string my combos together, not die, and getting the movement mechanics down is difficult enough, but then they grade you at the end and you get to see how much you suck..

5) It is the 4th game of the series and I really question how much I'm missing by starting now.  It is a bit mature for some audiences.  No real nudity but plenty of implied nudity and sexual situations and cursing.

The Good:

1) It is really fun!  Definitely play it with headphones if possible because that makes it so much better.  The game is greatly stylized and has a definite anime influence but that is not a bad thing.  It takes me back to the day's where your main character was this amazing bad ass and all the badies would come at him and he'd have to prove his worth.  Seems very reminiscent of older God of War Games.  Big bads at the end of each level, hordes of small enemies for slaughter, and a few in between just to add to the difficulty.

2) Map traversal is refreshing.  Grapple hooks to swing on or grab on to things and pull out parts of the map, chaining combos together to get further distances, and double jumping all make the movement and going from point A to point B much more entertaining and interesting than simply running.

3) Great story line and beautifully crafted! It really is a beautiful game with a lot of originality. Some of the cut scenes that are my favorite are done in a classical painting method with almost Rembrandt style and its awesome. It's a beautiful and grotesque way to tell the story and I can't say enough about it.

4) Upgrades.  I love that you can choose what you'd like to upgrade as you play.  Since you have multiple weapons and multiple fighting styles you really can customize how you play quite a bit.

5) Purgatory/Villains.  I love the humor behind the creation of their villains. One runs a news company, one creates soda that controls peoples minds and makes them stupid etc.  I'm only about half way through the game and I'm loving the thought that these characters took!

Overall this is a must play game.  So much so, I'm considering buying the other DMC games since they are in a value pack offer at the moment!


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